Stardew Valley Mixed Seeds: Practical Tips for Mixed Seeds and Fiber Seeds

Hello, friends! Many beginners may think that mixed seeds and fiber seeds aren’t very useful in Stardew Valley. In this tutorial, we will discuss some practical tips on using these seeds. If you’re interested, keep reading!

Mixed Seeds
Mixed Seeds

Mixed Seeds

First, let’s talk about mixed seeds. They can produce random crops and can be planted in different seasons for specific crops. There are several ways to obtain mixed seeds, such as harvesting weeds, hoeing dirt or sand, or finding them in fishing treasure chests.

A player harvesting mixed seeds
Harvesting mixed seeds

On Thursdays, you can also buy them for 30 gold at Krobus’ shop in the sewers. Generally, players don’t farm mixed seeds intentionally but rather accumulate them through regular gameplay. Note that mixed seeds can’t be planted in winter unless they’re in a greenhouse or on Ginger Island.

In spring, they can yield cauliflower, daffodil, and potatoes; in summer, corn, hot peppers, radishes, and wheat; in fall, artichokes, corn, eggplants, and pumpkins.

Cauliflower, daffodil, and potato crops grown from mixed seeds in spring
Mixed Seed Crops in Spring
Corn, hot peppers, radishes, and wheat crops grown from mixed seeds in summer
Mixed Seed Crops in Summer
Artichokes, corn, eggplants, and pumpkins grown from mixed seeds in fall
Mixed Seed Crops in Fall

Greenhouses can produce random crops from spring, summer, and fall, while Ginger Island can yield blueberries, melons, pineapples, and rhubarb.

Random crops grown from mixed seeds in a greenhouse
Mixed Seed Crops in Greenhouse
Blueberries, melons, pineapples, and rhubarb grown from mixed seeds in Ginger Island
Mixed Seed Crops in Ginger Island

Mixed seeds are useful in the early game when money is tight, and they might bring unexpected harvests. Moreover, mixed seeds can later be used to craft fiber seeds.

A player using mixed seeds to craft fiber seeds
Crafting fiber seeds from mixed seeds

Fiber Seeds

Now let’s discuss fiber seeds. On the second day of the first fall, if you visit the town, you’ll trigger a cutscene where a special request board is installed in front of Mayor Lewis’ house.

The special request board in front of Mayor Lewis' house
The special request board

After completing Linus’ community cleanup special request, you’ll receive a letter from him unlocking the fiber seed recipe. Fiber seeds are primarily harvested for fiber, but they have an additional feature: they can persist across seasons. When harvested, the tilled soil remains tilled.

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You can take advantage of this by planting fiber seeds on the last day of fall or any other last harvest day in autumn. Doing this, you won’t need to fertilize the soil on the first day of spring in the second year, and you can plant seeds directly after harvesting the fiber with a scythe. This method also applies to winter seeds.

A tea sapling
Tea Sapling

Since winter seeds become out of season in spring, their soil will revert to an untilled state. However, when fiber seeds are fully grown, they can drop around four fibers each. Fiber is a primary ingredient in crafting tea saplings. This method saves time and accumulates materials, making it highly recommended for players to try. That’s all for this tutorial!

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