An In-depth Guide to Pierre’s General Store in Stardew Valley

As you settle into your new life on the Stardew Valley farm, one of the first establishments you’ll frequent is Pierre’s General Store. Conveniently located near the bus stop, this store is essential for everything from purchasing seeds and ingredients to upgrading your backpack for better inventory management. Let’s delve into all the intricacies of this cornerstone establishment.

Location & Accessibility

Pierre’s General Store is easily accessible, located just to the right of your farm’s exit. Follow the road past the bus stop, and you will find yourself at the store’s doorstep. Its proximity to the farm allows you to make quick visits even if you venture out late, say around 8 a.m.

Image of Pierre's General Store
You can obtain Green Beans seeds at Pierre’s General Store

Operating Hours

  • Regular Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Closed: Wednesdays and on festival days

Remember these hours to avoid the disappointment of a closed door, especially if you need to buy seeds or other goods urgently. However, upon completing the Community Center bundles, the store will also open on Wednesdays.

If you choose the Joja route and unlock Ginger Island, obtaining the Town Key will grant you access on Wednesdays as well. Festivals, though, still remain an exception.


Upon arrival, take note of the notice board to the left of the store’s entrance. It often features villagers’ tasks that you can take up. These tasks are optional but can be beneficial in the long run.

Right next to the notice board is the calendar, which highlights the birthdays of villagers and upcoming festivals. For convenience, you can also buy a calendar from Robin to place in your home.

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the Calendar in Stardew Valley, where all the birthdays are marked.
the Calendar in Stardew Valley, where all the birthdays are marked.

Inside the Store

Once inside, you’ll see a variety of shelves with items, although they’re not interactable. Near the counter, there’s a delivery box specifically for Pierre’s special tasks, but it’s generally unused.

The Counter: More Than Just a Checkout

  • Backpack Upgrades: Two levels available
  • 2,000g for 24 slots
  • 10,000g for 36 slots
  • Pierre’s Availability: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., returns at 8:30 p.m., and leaves by 5 p.m.

The real action takes place at the counter. But remember, you can only make purchases when Pierre is behind the counter, which isn’t always in line with the store’s operating hours.

Pierre’s General Store

Goods for Sale

Pierre’s store is a cornucopia of farming essentials. Let’s categorize them for easy understanding:


  • Seasonal Availability: Spring, Summer, and Fall seeds
  • Special Seeds: Unlocked in Year 2 (e.g., Rice Shoots in Spring, Red Cabbage in Summer, and Artichoke in Fall)
  • Year-Round Seeds: After returning Pierre’s lost stock list found in Mr. Qi’s Walnut Room

Note: Seeds for the next season are generally unavailable, and even if you obtain them, they’ll wither if planted out of season.

Cooking Ingredients

  • Five Types: Sugar, Wheat Flour, Rice, Oil, Vinegar

The ingredients are relatively cheap, and since only a few recipes require them, it’s often more efficient to buy them rather than make them.


Six types of fertilizers are available, with the advanced types unlocking in the second year. The only genuinely useful one is the Deluxe Speed-Gro, which you might find cheaper at the Oasis shop in the desert.

Decor and More

The store also offers wallpapers, flooring, and even fruit tree saplings. For long-term planning, consider purchasing saplings for pomegranate and apple trees, as their fruits are required for Community Center bundles.

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Special Items

Pierre’s also sells bouquets that you can give to any marriageable villager with whom you have achieved an 8-heart relationship. This enables you to unlock the 10-heart events and move your relationship status from “single” to “in a relationship.”

Pro Tips

  • Item Recycling: You can sell farm produce, animal products, and forage items here at the same rate as using the shipping bin.
  • Tasks: Using the store for fulfilling shipping tasks is generally not advised since it won’t count towards your shipping collection.


Pierre’s General Store is not just a place to buy seeds or kitchen supplies; it is the cornerstone of your Stardew Valley experience. Whether you’re planning your next crop rotation or looking to win over a special someone with a bouquet, Pierre’s has got you covered. Remember the operating hours, plan your visits, and make the most out of this essential hub in Pelican Town.

Feel free to add any more insights or tips about Pierre’s General Store that you think might be helpful for newcomers. Happy farming!

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