Catching the Legend Fish in Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE)

In Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE), the Legend is a rare fish that can be caught by players with a fishing skill level of 10 or higher. Catching the Legend is one of the requirements for completing the Master Angler achievement, and it can also be sold for a high price or used in certain cooking recipes. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about catching the Legend in SVE, including the location, bait, time of day, and other factors that may affect your chances of success.

Types of Fish in SVE

There are 27 new fish that have been added to the game as of version 1.14.12 in SVE. These fish can be found in various locations, depending on the season and the weather conditions. Some examples of fish that can be caught in SVE include the Baby Lunaloo, Bonefish, Bull Trout, Butterfish, Clownfish, Daggerfish, Dulse Seaweed, Frog, Gemfish, Goldenfish, Grass Carp, King Salmon, Kittyfish, Lunaloo, Meteor Carp, Minnow, Puppyfish, Salmonberry, Sandfish, Sardine, Sea Cucumber, Smallmouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass Deluxe, Spotted Bass, and Stonefish.

Other Legendary Fish in SVE

Fish Location Seasons Time Weather Minimum Fishing Skill
Angler East of the community center Fall Any Any 3
Crimsonfish beach (eastern pier) Summer Any Any 5
Glacierfish forest river (south tip of large island) Winter Any Any 6
Legend backwoods, mountain Spring 6 AM – 8 PM Rainy 10
Mutant Carp Sewer Any Any Any Any

Angler Location

Angler fish Location

Angler fish can be caught in the fall on the east side of the community center. It can be caught at any time of day and does not require any special conditions to be met.

Crimsonfish Location

Crimsonfish location

Crimson fish can be caught in the summer at any time of day, and is found on the right side of the beach. Players must first fix the bridge, which requires 300 wood, before they can catch the Crimson fish.

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Glacierfish Location

Glacierfish can only be caught in the winter, and is found in the forest rive.

Legend Location

legend fish location

Legend fish can only be caught in the spring, and only when it is raining. The Legend fish can be found at the bottom of the mountain lake and must be caught before 8:00 PM.

Mutant Carp Location

mutant crap fish location

Mutant Carp fish can be caught in any season, but is more commonly found in the fall. It can be caught at any time of day, and is found in the river in the Sewer.

Catching the Legend in SVE

To catch the Legend in SVE, players will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a fishing skill level of 3 or higher: The Legend can only be caught by players with a fishing skill level of 3 or higher. Players can increase their fishing skill by leveling up their fishing profession, completing fishing-related quests, and using fishing-related items.
  • Use the basic rod: The Legend can be caught using the basic rod that is given to players at the beginning of the game. Players do not need to use any special bait or lures to catch the Legend.
  • Fish from the correct location: The Legend can be caught in a few different locations in SVE, including the log in the forest south of town, the bridge east of the community center, and the little peninsula to the right of the island in the bottom half of the map near the hat shop and the sewer entrance. Players should try fishing at these locations during the appropriate weather conditions to increase their chances of catching the Legend.

By following these requirements and tips, players can increase their chances of catching the Legend in SVE.

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Benefits of Catching Legendary Fish

Catching the Legend and other legendary fish in SVE can offer several benefits to players. Here are a few examples:

  • Prestige and satisfaction: Completing the Master Angler achievement in SVE can be a source of pride and accomplishment for players. Catching the Legend and other legendary fish can be a challenging and rewarding task, and completing the achievement can give players a sense of accomplishment.
  • Profit: As mentioned earlier, the Legend and other legendary fish can be sold for a high price, making them a valuable catch for players looking to make a profit. By catching these fish and selling them, players can earn a significant amount of in-game currency.
  • Special uses: Some legendary fish, including the Legend, can be used in certain cooking recipes to create dishes with unique effects. This can be a useful way to boost your character’s stats or abilities, depending on the recipe you choose.

By considering these benefits, players can decide whether catching legendary fish is worth the effort in SVE.

Tips for Catching Legendary Fish

Catching legendary fish in SVE can be a bit of a challenge, but there are a few tips that can help increase your chances of success:

  • Check the weather forecast: As mentioned earlier, the Legend and other legendary fish can only be caught during certain weather conditions. Make sure to check the forecast before you go fishing, so you know if it’s possible to catch a legendary fish on that day.
  • It is recommended to have at least level 10 fishing to catch legendary fish, but this is not necessary. If you’re having difficulty, you can use the trout soup dish to boost your fishing level.
  • To identify a legendary fish, look for a crown on its head.
  • Use the correct bait: While you don’t need to use special bait to catch the Legend in SVE, using the correct bait for other fish can increase your chances of catching them.
  • Fish at the right time of day: Some legendary fish can only be caught during certain times of day, so make sure to check the in-game clock to ensure that you are fishing at the right time.
  • Go on a good luck day: Some players believe that going fishing on a day with good luck can increase their chances of catching a legendary fish.
  • Use the right tackle: Using the right tackle, such as the Iridium Rod, can help increase your chances of catching legendary fish. This type of tackle can slow down the fish’s escape when you’re not reeling it in, making it easier to catch.
  • Be patient and persistent: Catching legendary fish can be a challenge, and it may take multiple attempts before you are successful. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t catch one right away, and keep trying until you succeed.
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By following these tips, players can improve their chances of catching legendary fish in SVE.

Fish Ponds in SVE

In SVE, players can also create fish ponds on their farm. Fish ponds are essentially small bodies of water that can be used to breed and raise fish. Fish in the pond will grow and reproduce over time, providing a steady supply of fish for the player.


Catching the Legend in Stardew Valley Expanded can be a challenging but rewarding task, offering players prestige, profit, and special uses for their catch. By understanding the requirements, locations, and tips for catching the Legend, players can increase their chances of success and enjoy all the benefits that catching legendary fish has to offer.

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