How to Get Qi Beans in Stardew Valley: Tips and Strategies

Qi beans are a unique non-seasonal fruit seed that can be found across Stardew Valley after you start Qi’s Crop quest. This quest is considered to be one of the more challenging quests faced by players. This article will give you a brief overview of the best ways to finish this quest in no time.

What are Qi Beans?

Qi beans are seed from the Qi fruit, a blue fruit that matures in 4 days’ time. Qi fruit is different from regular fruit that you come across in Stardew Valley because you can only grow them after you have started Qi’s Crop Quest.

How to Obtain Qi Beans

Sources for Finding Qi Beans

Qi beans can be found by a number of different ways which include:

  • Chopping down trees
  • Killing monsters and enemies in the Volcano, Mines, or Quarry
  • Shaking palm trees with coconuts in them
  • Shaking Mahogany trees
  • Breaking apart Geodes, Volcano mine chests, or crates
  • Fishing
  • Using a hoe in spots with worms
  • Harvesting crops from the Island farm area (not your own farm)

Because the time for completing this quest is pretty limited for the tall order of 500 Qi fruit, here are some of the strategies that you can utilize to complete Qi’s crop quest in under 28 days.

Utilizing Seed Makers

If you put a Qi fruit into a Seed Maker, you can get multiple seeds from a single Qi fruit. In some players experience, you can get 10 beans per day this way. Once you plant these seeds, you can have some mature Qi fruit in 4 days’ time. You can essentially repeat this cycle as many times as needed. Keep in mind, that you can only ship Qi Fruit that have been harvested within 3 days of the final deadline.

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If you put a Qi fruit into a Seed Maker, you can get multiple seeds from a single Qi fruit. In some players experience, you can get 10 beans per day this way.

Making the Most of Geodes

You can find Geodes by breaking rocks above ground or in floors 1-39 in the Mines. A lot of players have a stash of Geodes in their inventory. This quest is the perfect time to take them out and harvest Qi beans. Following this approach at the beginning of the quest can help you get some starter Qi beans that you can farm further.

A picture of a blue fruit called Qi fruit
Qi fruit is the fruit from which Qi beans are obtained

Switching Professions

If you have picked the Agriculturist profession, the growth time of your Qi crops will decrease, making them easier to harvest. If you are not already an Agriculturist, you can switch professions by paying 10,000g by using the Statue of Uncertainty in The Sewers. After you have gone to sleep that night, you should see the Level 5 followed by the Level 10 “Choose a Profession” screen.

A picture of the screen where you can switch professions
You can switch professions by using the Statue of Uncertainty in The Sewers

Using Deluxe Speed-Gro

Using Speed-Gro can reduce your harvest time by 1 day. If used in conjunction with the Agriculturist profession, you can reduce the total harvest time to 2 days instead of the usual 4.

Completing Qi’s Crop Quest:

Who is Qi?

Qi is a mysterious villager who was added in the later editions of the game. He can be found on Ginger Island and offers you many other quests, with this one being the only one centered around Qi beans.

Qi’s Crop quest starts as soon as you read the Special-Order Board, where Qi asks for 500 Qi fruit to be collected and shipped over to him by the end of the season. One thing to keep in mind is that if you start this quest in the middle of a season, you will only have the remainder of the season to finish.

When does Qi’s Crop quest start?

Qi has a Walnut Room which is on the West side of Ginger Island. This room cannot be opened unless you have collected 100 golden walnuts that are scattered around Ginger Island. Once the room is opened, you will find the Special-Order Board, which acts as a notice board containing different quests posted by Qi.

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A picture of Qi's Walnut Room on Ginger Island
Qi’s Walnut Room is where you can find the Special-Order Board for Qi’s Crop quest

Qi’s crop quest starts as soon as you read the Special-Order Board, where Qi asks for 500 Qi fruit to be collected and shipped over to him by the end of the season. One thing to keep in mind is that if you start this quest in the middle of a season, you will only have the remainder of the season to finish. For this reason, it’s important to take note of the day of the season you are in as that can determine the length of your quest.

The Reward

Once you have completed the quest successfully, you will receive Qi gems. These gems can be used to buy unique rewards such as:

  • Junimo chests
  • Key to the Town
  • Hoppers
  • Galaxy Soul
  • Magic bait
  • Deconstructor
  • Qi Seasoning
  • Deluxe Fertilizer
  • Hyper Speed-Gro

Converting Qi Gems to Gold

Qi gems can also be converted into gold by buying reward items such as Hoppers for 10 Qi gems and deconstructing them into radioactive bars which can then be sold for 3000g. Even though this process is time consuming, the payout is highly profitable.

Another approach that is less time consuming is buying Galaxy Souls for 40 Qi gems, and then selling them for 5000g each.

Bugs and Issues

Some players reported that the Qi Beans, despite being listed as fruit that can be harvested and grown during any season, were not growing well during winter. While Stardew Valley Wiki does list this, Qi Beans only grow in all seasons on Ginger Island, not the rest of the valley. This is because the Ginger Island functions similar to a greenhouse, so the season does not have an affect on the unique crop. That is why it is best not to grow Qi beans across the rest of the island during winter season.

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Planting Qi Beans

If you have some leftover Qi Beans, you shouldn’t keep them in your inventory as they will disappear after the completion of the quest. The best way you can keep a hold of your stock is to sell any excess Qi Beans to Pierre before finishing the quest. You should be able to buy them back the next day as they won’t despawn from the store.


Qi Beans are a fascinating in game item that players can harvest for a limited time only. While Qi’s Crop quest is thought to be an extremely challenging and frustrating endeavor, following the tips and strategies outlined in this article should help you finish this quest in no time.

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