Hello, friends! In this tutorial, we will discuss the uses and acquisition of fiber in Stardew Valley.

Uses and Acquisition of Fiber
The primary use of fiber is to craft scarecrows. A scarecrow requires 20 fiber, which is relatively easy to obtain. You can find plenty of fiber on your farm and around the map. On the first day, you can collect over 300 fiber using a scythe, which doesn’t consume any energy.
Tea Saplings
A tea sapling requires 5 fiber. Since a tea sapling can be sold for 500 gold, it’s a quick way to make money early in the game. This strategy, known as the “tea sapling start,” involves planting wild seeds and continuously expanding your farm. By the end of spring, you’ll need around 2,000-3,000 fiber, making the initial 300 fiber insufficient. In this case, you can farm more fiber on level 81 of the mines.
Tree Fertilizer
Another use for fiber is crafting tree fertilizer, which requires 5 fiber per unit. Unlocked at foraging level 7, tree fertilizer can accelerate tree growth. Using tree fertilizer on an oak tree seedling, for example, can help it grow in just five days so you can attach a tapper. Without fertilizer, tree growth can take an average of one month, with some trees taking two or three months. If you plan well and plant many trees, you might not even need tree fertilizer. However, it does make things more convenient, and the consumption rate isn’t too high. Thirty trees consume 150 fiber, which should be enough for the early game.
Grass Starter
You can buy the grass starter recipe at Pierre’s shop. It takes 10 fiber to craft one grass starter. You only need to make one to unlock the recipe. In the early game, there’s plenty of grass on your farm, so there’s no need to plant more. As the grass grows, it can become too abundant. When you start planning for animals later in the game, you can simply buy grass starters from Pierre for 100 gold each. Plant a few, and they’ll quickly grow into a large patch.
Farm and Beach Totems
The farm totem requires 20 fiber, while the beach totem requires 10 fiber. You can exchange the farm totem at the casino, making it essentially free, so there’s no need to craft it yourself. The beach totem’s usefulness is limited, as coral cannot be mass-produced.
Straw Floor
A straw floor requires one fiber, but it’s not very visually appealing and is mainly used for decoration. It’s unlikely that anyone would craft a large number of straw floor tiles.
Junimo Huts
In the late game, Junimo huts consume a significant amount of fiber, with each hut requiring 100 fiber. However, as mentioned earlier, there’s no need to craft many items that consume fiber, even when following the tea sapling strategy. Fiber obtained from mining and other activities should be more than enough to construct six or seven Junimo huts.
Miscellaneous Uses
Other uses for fiber include crafting Iridium-quality retainers (3 fiber each), which, like the universal fishing bait (2 fiber each), are not necessary in the late game. Fiber is also used in crafting items like the deluxe scarecrow, loom, bait bin, and drum block torch. However, it’s unlikely that you’ll need to craft these items in large quantities during normal gameplay.
Acquiring More Fiber
If you find yourself short on fiber, you can farm it daily in the sewer’s mutant bug lair and the mines. Another efficient method for acquiring fiber is planting fiber seeds. However, this isn’t highly recommended. The required materials for planting fiber seeds are one mixed seed, five tree sap, and one clay. Ultimately, you’ll harvest four fiber per plant.
As previously mentioned, there’s usually no shortage of fiber in the game, so even if the yield is high, planting fiber seeds may be pointless. Some players use fiber seeds to protect their land during winter, but this isn’t strictly necessary. Spring crops have relatively low profits, so planting fewer crops doesn’t have a significant impact on your overall earnings. Planting ancient seeds in spring is also an option, and whether or not you use growth hormones, there’s enough time to clear the land and plant your crops. There’s no rush to complete everything on the first day of spring.
In summary, while fiber is a useful resource in Stardew Valley, it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter a shortage during normal gameplay. Fiber can be easily obtained from various sources and used to craft a variety of items, from scarecrows to Junimo huts. As long as you manage your fiber resources wisely, you should have enough to meet your needs throughout the game.