There are different hidden features and secrets in Stardew Valley. These hidden features and secrets are located in different areas in Stardew Valley. One of the secrets is known as Secret Note. Secret Notes are collectibles that are scattered around Pelican Town. There are 25 Secret Notes in Stardew Valley that you can collect while performing certain tasks. These Notes which are collected in an orderly format contain information about the Valley and the locations of secret statues.
You can only find and inspect these Secrets Notes when you obtain a Magnifying Glass. When obtained, right-click on it from your inventory to read. The Secret Note 11 is one of the 25 Secret Notes you will find in Stardew Valley. Unlike other secret notes that have straightforward hidden messages, Secret Note does not have any text but only a picture. You might be wondering what it means, where to find it, and what you can do with it in Stardew Valley. Read on as this is the purpose of this guide.

How to Find Secret Note 11
You can find the Secret Note 11 while competing in the A Winter Mystery quest. The Winter Mystery quest starts when you see a fleeing shadowy figure. Pursue and follow the figure. When you catch it in a bush where it is hiding, Krobus will give you Magnifying Glass. With this glass, you can read other secret notes in Stardew Valley. The secret notes are located at different places such as:
- Artifact spots
- Resource clumps
- Giant crops
You can obtain Secret Note 11 and other Secret Notes by engaging in different random activities like fishing, fighting and defeating monsters, chopping down trees, breaking stones, and digging up weeds.
What is Secret Note 11?
While other Secrets Notes contain text, favorite items, and puzzles with explanations on how to complete them, Secret Note 11 is just a photograph. It contains an image of an unknown woman holding a young girl’s hand with faded color. This woman who is waving at the camera in this note is surrounded by different animals. A closer look at this secret note looks as if the woman and the girl are in the Cindersap Forest at the home of Marnie. Secret Note 11 does not have any purpose. It is just one of the collectibles in the game.

Secret Note 11 Theories
There are different misconceptions and theories about who the woman and girl are.
- The first theory
In the first theory, some believe that the note shows the mother of Jas and the sister of Marnie. This means that Marnie and Jas are related. However, this theory has many loopholes thus making it difficult to believe since it would mean that Shane and Jas are Cousins. In Stardew Valley, Shane is just a friend to Jas’s parents so there is no way they are related even with their similar hair. - The second theory
In the second theory, some players of Stardew Valley believe Shane could be the father of Jas. If you are wondering why they think so, the answer is that Shane is the godfather of Jas. Such players believed Jas’s mother did this for a reason. This is a complicated theory. - The third theory
The third theory of this Secret Note 11 had it that Jas is the daughter of Marnie. Some players believe the little girl in the photograph was from when Jas was young. This is an interesting theory as it would explain why Marnie is spending time with Jas her daughter at her ranch in Cindersap Forest. If this speculation is to be accepted, it will mean Jas is the child of Lewis and that Lewis and Marnie are simply keeping their relationship secret. So, it makes sense if the child is kept a secret too.
Nobody knows if any of these aforementioned theories is true but one thing is sure, finding Secret Note 11 and other Secret Notes in Stardew Valley is exciting and gives you a great gameplay experience.
What to do with Secret Note 11?
Other Secret Notes in Stardew Valley contain information that leads to a treasure or information about the valley. This is different from Secret Note 21 which has no purpose or meaning. Nobody has found its purpose since the launching of this game. So, Secret Note 11 is nothing other than a collectible.
Final thoughts
Stardew Valley has lots of hidden features and secrets. The importance of these secrets can’t be understated. So, finding them is not only adventurous but exciting. These secrets are located in various parts of the valley. To locate any of these secrets, you need to obtain the secret notes. There are 25 secret notes in Stardew Valley that contain information about the valley and locations of hidden secrets and status. Unlike the other secret notes, Secret Note 11 has no purpose. It is a mere photograph of a young girl and an older woman whose identities are not known. To locate or find secret notes, you need to get the Magnifying Glass which is obtainable after completing a quest known as the Winter Mystery Quest. With this item, you can find and read other secret notes by doing certain activities like fishing, cutting trees, breaking stones, fighting monsters, and more. You can locate Secret Note 11 and other Secret Notes in Stardew Valley at artifact spots, giant crops, and resource clumps.