Top 10 Rare Hats in Stardew Valley

In this wonderful game, there are various unique outfits to discover. In this tutorial, we have compiled a list of ten rare hats that are relatively difficult to obtain. If you’re interested, let’s dive right in!

  1. Living Hat: This hat has a minuscule drop rate when you destroy weeds (0.001%) or defeat Wilderness Golems (0.01%). To encounter Wilderness Golems, choose the Wilderness Farm or sacrifice Strange Buns at the Witch’s Hut after unlocking it.
A character wearing the Living Hat in Stardew Valley
The Living Hat has a minuscule drop rate when you destroy weeds or defeat Wilderness Golems.
  1. Trash Hat: This hat has a slightly higher drop rate (0.2%) after rummaging through 20 trash cans in Pelican Town.
A character wearing the Trash Hat in Stardew Valley
The Trash Hat has a slightly higher drop rate after rummaging through 20 trash cans in Pelican Town.
  1. Panda Hat: This adorable hat is exclusive to players who purchased Stardew Valley on the Tencent WeGame platform.
A character wearing the Panda Hat in Stardew Valley
The Panda Hat is exclusive to players who purchased Stardew Valley on the Tencent WeGame platform.
  1. Mushroom Hat: With a 1% drop rate, this hat can be obtained by chopping down Mushroom Trees that appear during the fall. You can also plant Mushroom Tree seeds after unlocking Mr. Qi’s Walnut Room on Ginger Island.
A character wearing the Mushroom Hat in Stardew Valley
The Mushroom Hat can be obtained by chopping down Mushroom Trees that appear during the fall.
  1. Emily’s Magic Hat: To receive this hat, marry Emily and reach a 14-heart affection level. Trigger a spouse quest by leaving the farmhouse between 5 AM and 8:20 AM, complete it by giving Emily 200 Fiber, and wait three days. Emily will then gift you a new outfit, including her Magic Hat.
A character wearing Emily's Magic Hat in Stardew Valley
Emily’s Magic Hat can be obtained by marrying Emily and completing a spouse quest.
  1. Tiger Hat: This hat has a 0.1% drop rate when defeating Tiger Slimes. You can find them on Ginger Island in the Tiger Slime Grove or Volcano Dungeon.
A character wearing the Tiger Hat in Stardew Valley
The Tiger Hat has a 0.1% drop rate when defeating Tiger Slimes.
  1. Golden Helmet: This hat has a 5% chance of being obtained when opening a Golden Coconut, which can be found after unlocking Ginger Island, by digging up Artifact Spots, shaking trees, or trading with the Bluebird Merchant. Open the Golden Coconut at the Blacksmith.
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A character wearing the Golden Helmet in Stardew Valley
The Golden Helmet has a 5% chance of being obtained when opening a Golden Coconut.
  1. Deluxe Pirate Hat: This hat has a 0.1% chance of being found in a rare chest in the Volcano Dungeon. Rare chests typically appear more frequently on the ninth level.
A character wearing the Deluxe Pirate Hat in Stardew Valley
The Deluxe Pirate Hat has a 0.1% chance of being found in a rare chest in the Volcano Dungeon.
  1. ???(Nameless Hat): Complete the game with a 100% perfection rating to claim this hat from the monkey at the top of the volcano. Check your progress at any time by clicking on the machine next to Mr. Qi’s Walnut Room.
A character wearing the Nameless Hat in Stardew Valley
The Nameless Hat can be obtained by completing the game with a 100% perfection rating.
  1. Elegant Turban: Unlock all achievements to purchase this hat from the Mouse’s Hat Shop.
A character wearing the Elegant Turban in Stardew Valley
The Elegant Turban can be purchased from the Mouse’s Hat Shop after unlocking all achievements.

Please note that all these hats can be obtained through cheating, but we won’t cover that in this tutorial. That’s it for this guide. Thank you for reading!

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