Unlocking Stardew Valley: Beginner’s Guide to Secret Woods, Community Center, Adventurer’s Guild, and More

Welcome, fellow farmers! Today, we bring you a beginner’s guide to unlocking various areas in the world of Stardew Valley.

Map of Stardew Valley
The map of Stardew Valley

Secret Woods

To access the Secret Woods, head south from your farm and walk left. There will be a log blocking the entrance, which can be removed with a steel axe or by using a chair to jump over it.

Image of Secret Woods in Stardew Valley
The Secret Woods in Stardew Valley

Community Center

After Spring 5th on a sunny day, enter the town from the bus stop at 8 AM. After triggering a cutscene with Mayor Lewis, you’ll gain access to the Community Center. Don’t forget to interact with the bundles inside to receive a letter from the Wizard the next day.

Image of Community Center in Stardew Valley
The Community Center in Stardew Valley

Adventurer’s Guild

Located in the top right corner of the map, near the mine entrance. To gain access, reach the 5th level of the mines. You will receive a letter from Marlon the next day with a quest to kill ten green slimes. Complete the quest to enter the guild.

Image of Adventurer's Guild in Stardew Valley
The Adventurer’s Guild in Stardew Valley

Dwarf Shop

Beside the mines, you’ll find a dwarf blocked by a rock. You can remove the rock with an upgraded steel pickaxe or by using a bomb. To communicate with the dwarf and shop, collect all four dwarf scrolls, donate them to the museum, and receive the Dwarvish Translation Guide.

Image of Dwarf Shop in Stardew Valley
The Dwarf Shop in Stardew Valley


Standing at the dwarf’s location, you’ll see stairs to the right. To access the quarry, complete the Crafts Room bundle in the Community Center or pay 25,000g to Joja Community Development Form to repair the bridge.

Image of Quarry in Stardew Valley
The Quarry in Stardew Valley


The desert is located in the northwest corner of the Pelican Town map. To unlock it, complete the Vault bundle in the Community Center or pay 40,000g to Joja Community Development Form. Repair the bus stop and take the bus to the desert.

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Image of Desert in Stardew Valley
The Desert in Stardew Valley


In the bottom left corner of the desert, you’ll find the Oasis store. To the right of the store is a casino guard. You must complete a series of casino quests to gain entry.

Image of Casino in Stardew Valley
The Casino in Stardew Valley

Skull Cavern

Located in the top left corner of the desert, you need the key from level 120 of the mines to access the Skull Cavern.

Image of Skull Cavern in Stardew Valley
The Skull Cavern in Stardew Valley


Found above Carpenter Robin’s house, there is a crack in the wall. After an earthquake on Summer 3rd, the railroad becomes accessible.

Image of Railroad in Stardew Valley
The Railroad in Stardew Valley


Donate at least 60 items to the museum. The next day, Gunther will give you the sewer key, granting access to the sewers, which have two entrances.

Image of Sewers in Stardew Valley
The Sewers in Stardew Valley

Caroline’s Sun Room

Located in the top right corner of Pierre’s house, you need to achieve a two-heart friendship level with Caroline to enter.

Image of Sun Room in Stardew Valley
The Sun Room in Stardew Valley

Other Areas

In addition to the above areas, the following locations require completion of Community Center bundles or Joja Supermarket Community Development Forms:

  • Witch’s Hut: Located in the top right corner of the train station. The home of the Wizard’s wife, it connects to the Wizard’s Tower and is essential for the Magic Ink quest.
Image of Witch's Hut in Stardew Valley
The Witch’s Hut in Stardew Valley
  • Mutant Bug Lair: The entrance is behind the door in the left sewer. It is also part of the Magic Ink quest.
Image of Mutant Bug Lair in Stardew Valley
The Mutant Bug Lair in Stardew Valley
  • Movie Theater: Unlocked by completing the movie theater bundle during a thunderstorm in the Community Center route, or by paying 500,000g for the Joja Supermarket Community Development Form in the Joja route.
Image of Movie Theater in Stardew Valley
The Movie Theater in Stardew Valley
  • Ginger Island: Accessible after receiving a letter from Willy, then repairing his boat in the back room.
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Image of Ginger Island in Stardew Valley
Ginger Island in Stardew Valley
  • Walnut Room: Found on the left side of Ginger Island farm behind a locked door, you need to collect 100 golden walnuts to enter. Inside is Mr. Qi’s Walnut Room.
Image of Walnut Room in Stardew Valley
The Walnut Room in Stardew Valley

Hard Mode Mines & Skull Cavern

Accepted from Mr. Qi’s task board in the Walnut Room, complete the “Danger in the Deep” quest to access the Hard Mode Mines. Reach level 120 again, and you can toggle between mine states by interacting with The Shrine of Challenge.

Image of Shrine of Challenge in Stardew Valley
The Shrine of Challenge in Stardew Valley

Accept the “Skull Cavern Invasion” quest from Mr. Qi’s task board. Unlike the regular mines, you cannot switch back and forth between modes.


Located in the railroad map, there is a giant rock with a path above it. To access the summit, complete 100% of the Perfection Tracker in the Walnut Room. The following day, the path will open, and reaching the summit will trigger the game’s ending.

Image of Summit in Stardew Valley
The Summit in Stardew Valley

With this guide, you now have the knowledge to explore the many areas of Stardew Valley. Good luck on your adventures!

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