The Ultimate SVE Item Collection Guide

Are you a Stardew Valley fan looking for a comprehensive guide to the various items in the game? Look no further! This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about vanilla Stardew Valley, Ridgeside Village and Stardew Valley Expanded. All the information here is accurate and up-to-date so you can be sure to locate all the items you’re looking for. So if you’re ready to dive into the world of Stardew Valley, let’s get started!

Stardew Valley Expanded Fish Collection

Stardew Valley Expanded Cooking Recipe Collection Guide

Stardew Valley Extended Artifact Collection

Stardew Valley Expanded Minerals Collection

Page 1

Number item source
1 Wild Horseradish Spring forage or from tilling the soil
2 Daffodil Spring forage or from tilling the soil
3 Leek Spring forage or from tilling the soil
4 Dandelion Spring forage or from tilling the soil
5 Parsnip Spring crop, available at Pierre’s
6 Cave Carrot Foraged in the Mines or Skull Cavern
7 Coconut Purchased from the Island Trader on Ginger Island or found in golden coconuts
8 Cactus Fruit Foraged in the Calico Desert or grown from cactus seeds available at Sandy’s Oasis
9 Banana Produced by Banana Trees on Ginger Island or obtained from golden coconuts and completing animal collections
10 Sap Obtained when chopping down trees around Stardew Valley
11 Large Egg Produced by adult chickens
12 Egg Produced by adult chickens
13 Egg Produced by adult chickens
14 Large Egg Produced by adult chickens with high friendship
15 Milk Produced by adult cows
16 Large Milk Produced by adult cows with high friendship
17 Green Bean Summer crop, available at Pierre’s
18 Cauliflower Spring crop, available at Pierre’s
19 Potato Spring crop, available at Pierre’s
20 Garlic Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
21 Kale Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
22 Rhubarb Spring crop, available at the Oasis during the first year or grown from rhubarb seeds available at Pierre’s during subsequent years
23 Melon Summer crop, available at Pierre’s
24 Tomato Summer crop, available at Pierre’s
25 Morel Foraged in the Spring in the Secret Woods or in the Fall in the Cave
26 Blueberry Summer crop, available at Pierre’s
27 Fiddlehead Fern Foraged in the Summer in the Secret Woods
28 Hot Pepper Summer crop, available at Pierre’s
29 Wheat Summer or Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
30 Radish Spring crop, available at Pierre’s
31 Red Cabbage Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
32 Starfruit Summer or Fall crop, available at the Oasis after completing the Vault bundles or grown from starfruit seeds available at the Oasis during subsequent years
33 Corn Summer or Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
34 Unmilled Rice Summer crop, available at Pierre’s or grown from rice shoots in the Summer
35 Eggplant Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
36 Artichoke Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
37 Pumpkin Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
38 Bok Choy Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
39 Yam Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
40 Chanterelle Foraged in the Fall in the Secret Woods or in the Cave
41 Cranberries Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
42 Holly Winter forage, found in bushes around Stardew Valley during the Winter Star festival
43 Beet Fall crop, available at Oasis during the first year or grown from beet seeds available at Pierre’s during subsequent years
44 Ostrich Egg Produced by adult ostriches
45 Salmonberry Spring forage or from bushes in the Forest during the Spring
46 Amaranth Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
47 Pale Ale Produced from Hops and a Keg
48 Hops Summer or Fall crop, available at Pierre’s
49 Void Egg Purchased from Krobus in the Sewers for 5,000g or obtained from the Witch’s Hut if the player has a Void Chicken.
50 Mayonnaise Produced by putting an Egg into a Mayonnaise Machine or purchased from JojaMart for 100g.
51 Duck Mayonnaise Produced by putting a Duck Egg into a Mayonnaise Machine or purchased from JojaMart for 200g.
52 Void Mayonnaise Produced by putting a Void Egg into a Mayonnaise Machine.
53 Clay Obtained by tilling the ground or breaking open dirt patches and other containers around Stardew Valley.
54 Copper Bar Obtained by smelting 5 Copper Ore and 1 Coal in a furnace.
55 Iron Bar Obtained by smelting 5 Iron Ore and 1 Coal in a furnace.
56 Gold Bar Obtained by smelting 5 Gold Ore and 1 Coal in a furnace.
57 Iridium Bar Obtained by smelting 5 Iridium Ore and 1 Coal in a furnace.
58 Refined Quartz Obtained by smelting Quartz in a furnace.
59 Honey Produced by placing a Bee House on a farm or purchasing from Pierre’s General Store for 200g.
60 Pickles Produced by placing a vegetable in a Preserves Jar or purchased from the Oasis for 100g.
61 Jelly Produced by placing a fruit in a Preserves Jar or purchased from the Oasis for 200g.
62 Beer Produced by placing Hops into a Keg or purchased from the Stardrop Saloon for 400g.
63 Wine Produced by placing a fruit in a Keg or purchased from the Stardrop Saloon for 400g.
64 Juice Produced by placing a fruit or vegetable in a keg or purchased from the Stardrop Saloon for 150g.
65 Clam Obtained by fishing in the ocean or purchasing from the Fish Shop on rainy days for 50g.
66 Poppy Grown from Poppy Seeds purchased from Pierre’s General Store or JojaMart.
67 Copper Ore Obtained by breaking Copper nodes or cracking open various geodes.
68 Iron Ore Obtained by breaking Iron nodes or cracking open various geodes.
69 Coal Obtained from breaking stones, checking bags or minecarts in the mines, or dropped by Dust Sprites.
70 Gold Ore Obtained by breaking Gold nodes or cracking open various geodes.
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Number item source
1 Iridium Ore Breaking Iridium Nodes or cracking open Omni Geodes
2 Wood Obtained by chopping down trees around Stardew Valley
3 Stone Obtained by mining rocks around Stardew Valley or the mines
4 Nautilus Shell Forage on the Beach or found by fishing
5 Coral Forage on the Beach or found by fishing
6 Rainbow Shell Forage on the Beach or found by fishing
7 Spice Berry Forage in Fall or from Spice Berry plants
8 Sea Urchin Found by fishing in the ocean during the Winter
9 Grape Grown from Grape Starter in Summer
10 Spring Onion Forage in Spring or purchase from Pierre’s General Store
11 Strawberry Grown from Strawberry Seeds in Spring or found in the Egg Festival
12 Sweet Pea Forage in Summer
13 Common Mushroom Forage in Fall or found in the Mines
14 Wild Plum Forage in Fall or from Wild Plum Trees in the Secret Woods
15 Hazelnut Forage in Fall or from Hazelnut Trees in the Secret Woods
16 Blackberry Forage in Fall or from Blackberry Bushes in the Secret Woods
17 Winter Root Forage in Winter or found in the Mines
18 Crystal Fruit Forage in Winter or found in the Mines
19 Snow Yam Forage in Winter or found in the Mines
20 Sweet Gem Berry Grown from Sweet Gem Berry Seeds, found in the Oasis, or purchased from the Traveling Cart
21 Crocus Forage in Winter or from Crocus Plants in the Greenhouse
22 Red Mushroom Forage in Fall or found in the Mines
23 Sunflower Grown from Sunflower Seeds in Summer
24 Purple Mushroom Forage in Fall or found in the Mines
25 Cheese Produced using a Cheese Press with Milk
26 Goat Cheese Produced using a Cheese Press with Goat Milk
27 Cloth Produced using a Loom with Wool
28 Truffle Found by pigs on your farm or in the Secret Woods during Fall
29 Truffle Oil Produced by placing a Truffle in an Oil Maker
30 Coffee Bean Grown from Coffee Bean Seeds in Summer
31 Goat Milk Obtained by milking Goats
32 L. Goat Milk Obtained by milking a Large Goat
33 Wool Obtained by shearing Sheep with Shears
34 Duck Egg Obtained by raising Ducks
35 Duck Feather Obtained by raising Ducks
36 Caviar Produced by placing Sturgeon Roe in a Preserves Jar
37 Rabbit’s Foot Dropped by rabbits when raised in a Rabbit Hutch
38 Aged Roe Produced by aging Sturgeon Roe in a Cask
39 Ancient Fruit Grown from Ancient Seeds or found in the Mines
40 Mead Produced by placing Honey in a Keg
41 Tulip Grown from Tulip Bulbs in Spring
42 Summer Spangle Grown from Summer Spangle Seeds in Summer
43 Fairy Rose Grown from Fairy Rose Seeds in Fall
44 Blue Jazz Grown from Blue Jazz Seeds in Spring
45 Apple Grown from Apple Trees in Fall
46 Green Tea Produced by placing Tea Leaves in a Keg
47 Apricot Grown from Apricot Trees in Summer
48 Orange Grown from Orange Trees in Summer
49 Peach Grown from Peach Trees in Summer
50 Pomegranate Grown from a Pomegranate Tree or purchased from Oasis
51 Cherry Grown from a Cherry Tree or purchased from the Traveling Cart
52 Bug Meat Dropped by Bugs or Cave Insects
53 Hardwood Obtained from chopping down large logs, breaking crates in the mines, or purchasing from Robin’s Carpenter Shop
54 Maple Syrup Obtained from tapping Maple Trees during Spring or purchasing from Pierre’s General Store
55 Oak Resin Obtained from tapping Oak Trees during Fall or purchasing from Pierre’s General Store
56 Pine Tar Obtained from tapping Pine Trees during Summer or purchasing from Pierre’s General Store
57 Slime Dropped by Slimes
58 Bat Wing Dropped by Bats
59 Solar Essence Dropped by Solar Monsters (e.g. Ghosts, Mummies)
60 Void Essence Dropped by Void Monsters (e.g. Shadow Brutes, Serpents)
61 Fiber Obtained from swinging the Scythe in grassy areas
62 Battery Pack Crafted using a Lightning Rod and 10 Refined Quartz or purchased from the Dwarf’s Shop in the Mines
63 Dinosaur Mayonnaise Produced by a Dinosaur in a Coop when fed with a Mayonnaise Machine
64 Roe Obtained by placing a Sturgeon in a Fish Pond or by using a Crab Pot with Roe as bait
65 Squid Ink Dropped by Squid Kids
66 Tea Leaves Grown from Tea Bushes in the Garden Pot or purchased from the Traveling Cart
67 Ginger Foraged on Ginger Island or dropped by Tiger Slimes
68 Taro Root Foraged on Ginger Island or purchased from Island Trader
69 Pineapple Foraged on Ginger Island or purchased from Island Trader
70 Mango Foraged on Ginger Island or purchased from Island Trader
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Number item source
1 Cinder Shard Volcano Dungeon, breaking open Cinder Shard nodes or a common monster drop
2 Magma Cap Forgeable in Volcano Dungeon or dropped from False Magma Cap monsters
3 Bone Fragment Obtained by slaying any variant of a skeleton
4 Radioactive Ore Obtained from breaking open Radioactive nodes during “Danger in the Deep” or “Skull Cavern Invasion” quests from Mr. Qi.
5 Radioactive Bar Obtained from smelting 5 radioactive ore and 1 coal in a furnace
6 Ancient Fiber Can be found from Ancient Fiber Seeds which are in dig spots located in Secret Woods during Summer
7 Bearberry Can only be found buried in the Secret Woods during Winter
8 Conch Can be found year-round at both the Beach and Fable Reef
9 Sand Dollar Can be foraged on the Beach and year-round at Fable Reef
10 Ferngill Primrose Can be foraged only at the Summit during Spring
11 Golden Ocean Flower Year-round forage found only at Fable Reef
12 Goldenrod Can be foraged from the Summit during Summer/Fall
13 Green Mushroom Drop from Green Mushroom Mob monsters found at the Highlands Ruins on rainy days in the Spring, Summer, or Fall
14 Four Leaf Clover Can be foraged both in West Cindersap Forest or Secret Woods* during Spring/Summer
15 Monster Fruit Grown from Stalk Seeds which are dropped by Wilderness Golems in the Highlands during Summer
16 Monster Mushroom Grown from Fungus Seeds which are dropped by Mushroom Dust Sprites in the Highlands Ruins year-round during Fall
17 Mushroom Colony Can only be foraged in West Cindersap, Secret Woods, or Junimo Woods during Fall
18 Poison Mushroom Can only be foraged in Secret Woods during Summer/Fall
19 Red Baneberry Can be foraged from the Secret Woods during Summer
20 Salal Berry Grown from Shrub Seeds which are found buried in Secret Woods year-round during Spring/Summer
21 Slime Berry Grown from Slime Seeds which can be dropped by Slimes in the Highlands during Spring
22 Rafflesia Can be foraged only in Secret Woods* during Spring/Summer/Fall
23 Sports Drink Can only be bought from Harvey’s clinic***
24 Stamina Capsule Can only be bought from Harvey’s clinic***
25 Thistle Foraged from the Summit year-round in Stardew Valley Expanded
26 Void Root Grown from Void Seeds which are dropped by Shadow Monsters in the Highlands Caverns year-round during Winter
27 Winter Star Rose Can be foraged from the Summit during Winter in Stardew Valley Expanded
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Here is a guide to Shipping All Items (Plus Modded Ones!)

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